THYSSEN SCHACHTBAU GMBH has been active in the coal mining industry since 1871. The mining division specialises in the construction of headings and large underground areas. With more than 150 years of experience, our department excels in high-performance mining in the Ruhr district, Ibbenbüren, and in the state of Saarland.
Our qualified and highly motivated personnel manage the most difficult geological and climatic conditions. A continuously improving safety system, coupled with the latest mining technology, guarantees the best heading performance in the German coal mining industry.
Bergbau-Spezialgesellschaft Ruhr-Lippe mbH (Mining Specialists Ruhr-Lippe, LLC)
The company was founded in 2008 in response to an increasing demand for highly qualified mining personnel and specialises as a consulting group for the national mining industry.
We focus largely on all vertical underground projects, such as bunker construction and large-diameter bore holes (i.e., ventilation holes), as well as shaft maintenance and repair work, and underground equipment management.